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Driver Software For Palm Treo 750 Windows 7

My Palm Tungsten T2 HotSync has never supported USB with 64x. I have installed the software included with it for XP in my XP Mode but cannot get it to sync with USB or Bluetooth. It works fine in Windows 7 with Bluetooth except the old Adobe for Palm will not install. I thought the XP Mode would solve this but nada. I just use the Adobe for Palm to send docs I save as.pdf over to my Palm. I had Doc To Go 9 years ago but I need to upgrade for it to work currently and it's just to expensive to simply get a text or doc over to the Palm. To get the Palm T3 to hotsync in Windows 7's XP Mode window after installing Palm Desktop 4.1.4e there with Hotsync set to 'Local USB': Press the hotsync button on the cradle, then go up to the USB menu at the top of the XP Mode window and click it.

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You should see 'Palm Handheld - Attach'. Click that and the hotsync should start. Unfortunately you have to do that every time you hotsync; haven't yet found a way to attach the Palm's USB port permanently to the virtual machine - it disappears as soon as the hotsync is done, and the USB menu says 'No device found.' Hi, Based on my knowledge, to make a device recognized by the XP mode, we may need to let the host system, Windows 7 recognize the device properly. Considering there is no x64 driver for Windows 7 from Palm, the device could not work properly in Windows7, therefore, it may not work properly in XP Mode, either. To make this device work in Windows 7 x64 via USB cable, an x64 driver is needed. I would like to still recommend you to contact regarding this.

Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.

Nicholas Li - MSFT. Hi, Based on my knowledge, to make a device recognized by the XP mode, we may need to let the host system, Windows 7 recognize the device properly. Considering there is no x64 driver for Windows 7 from Palm, the device could not work properly in Windows7, therefore, it may not work properly in XP Mode, either. To make this device work in Windows 7 x64 via USB cable, an x64 driver is needed. I would like to still recommend you to contact regarding this. Note: Microsoft provides third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice.

My dad gave me his old Palm Treo 750 which didnt have the update and still running Windows Mobile 5. Anyone still have the file/link to get it? I - 2033998 - 2. Download the latest drivers for your Palm Pre USB Device to keep your Computer up-to-date.

Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information. Nicholas Li - MSFT. My answer to this for my Tungsten T3 was to run the HotSynch manager in the full Windows XP virtual PC with USB and Network selected as connections and the connection manager in the host Win 7 x64 with connection set to Network. On the Palm set your LANSync Pref to LANsync and Preferred PC to the IP address of your Win7 X64 host. When you hit the synch button you have to attach the cradle manually before synching can take place. Unless there is a way to have the VM automatically recognize and attach the cradle when the button is pressed the full Virtual PC method is the only way to go.

Running the Hotsynch manager by itself as an XP mode app doesn't work since the virtual machine doesn't see the Palm cradle when it starts up in the background. To get the Palm T3 to hotsync in Windows 7's XP Mode window after installing Palm Desktop 4.1.4e there with Hotsync set to 'Local USB': Press the hotsync button on the cradle, then go up to the USB menu at the top of the XP Mode window and click it. You should see 'Palm Handheld - Attach'.

Click that and the hotsync should start. Unfortunately you have to do that every time you hotsync; haven't yet found a way to attach the Palm's USB port permanently to the virtual machine - it disappears as soon as the hotsync is done, and the USB menu says 'No device found.' To get the Palm T3 to hotsync in Windows 7's XP Mode window after installing Palm Desktop 4.1.4e there with Hotsync set to 'Local USB': Press the hotsync button on the cradle, then go up to the USB menu at the top of the XP Mode window and click it. You should see 'Palm Handheld - Attach'.

Click that and the hotsync should start. Unfortunately you have to do that every time you hotsync; haven't yet found a way to attach the Palm's USB port permanently to the virtual machine - it disappears as soon as the hotsync is done, and the USB menu says 'No device found.' -Jack The above advise worked for me. I'm running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit.

I have an old Palm m500 and I'm running Palm Desktop version 4.0.1 in XP Mode. I was able to sync all my standard Palm application appointments, note pad files, memo files, and addresses. This solution worked perfect for me as well. Thank you so much!

For anyone who is not familiar with WindowsXP mode, go to this link: and follow the directions. I also found a partial work around for the problem of having to attach the the PDA every time a hotsync is done. I discovered this by learning about 'Seamless WindowsXP mode' in this guide and also by looking in the help menu of WindowsXP mode where there is a article titled, 'Use a USB device in virtual machine'. First of all, you need to run Palm Deskop and Hotsync Manager in 'Seamless mode.' Make sure Palm Desktop and Hotsync Manager are installed in WindowsXP mode. Close WindowsXP mode if it is open. In Windows 7 go to the Programs menu and under 'Windows Virtual PC' you should see 'HotSync Manager (Windows XP Mode).'

Unfortunately I did not see a shortcut there for Palm Desktop. But this can be solved by running WindowsXP mode, and making sure that the Palm Desktop shortcut is in the Start Menu of the All User profile. (It did not do this automatically for me when I installed it. It only put a shortcut in the XPMUser profile.

I had to copy it to the Start Menu of the All Users Profile.) This should cause the shortcut to be published to the Windows7 start menu. In the Windows7 start menu select 'Palm Desktop (Windows XP Mode).' This will run Palm Desktop using the Hidden WindowsXP mode. Now you have both Palm Desktop and HotSync Manager running in Hidden Windows XP Mode).

By the way, you may want to copy the 'HotSync Manager (Windows XP Mode)' shortcut into the Startup folder in Windows7 so that it starts automatically when you start the computer. Or at the very least, you may want to right click on the HotSync Manager icon in the task bar, select 'Setup' and select 'Available only when the Palm OS Desktop is running.' That will make it so that the HotSync Manager will start automatically when you start the Palm Desktop. Now here is the final trick that made the whole process of syncing much faster. When you have the HotSyn Manager and Palm Desktop running, right click on the Palm Desktop icon in the taskbar and you should see an option called 'Manage USB devices.' Select this and a window will come up titled 'USB Devices.' Now push the hotsynch button on the cradle and you should see 'Palm Handheld' show up in the 'USB Devices' window.

Free Software For Palm Treo 650

(If you don't, push the recycle button on the right.) Now select 'Attach' and the hotsync should happen. So from now on all you have to do is run Palm Desktop, push the cradle button, and then right click on the 'Palm Deskop' icon in the taskbar and select 'USB Devices' and 'attach.' I know it's still quite a process compared to having a native driver, but at least it doesn't require launching WindowsXP mode thanks to the new seamless feature. I hope this helps someone.:-). Jack, your solution seems to work for me. I get a HotSync Succeeded message, but the two steps where it syncs with my Day-Timer Organizer address book and calendar don't succeed. An error pops up that says 'failed to find the Palm OS handheld component (pilotcom.dll)'.

That appears twice: once when trying to sync the DTO Address Book and once when trying to sync the DTO Calendar. Everything else syncs fine and at the end I get a message saying HotSync was successful, although my address book and calendar have not, in fact, been synchronized.

Any ideas how to tackle this? Well, so much for Palm Technical Support. I spoke with 'David Anderson', which is a funny pseudonym for someone in Calcutta. Anyway, the kept getting confused about whether I was trying to run HotSync in Windows 7 or XP Mode.

Had me uninstall Palm Desktop and Reinstall, and go through all the steps I'd already done (and which I'd told him I'd done), only to get the same results. Finally I proposed (My idea, but I still have to pay for the tech support call) that I install the version of HotSync that worked with Day-Timer Organizer on my old Windows XP machine. Well, sometimes it just helps to talksomething through with someone. Anyway, that seems to have solved the problem. (Seems to because it's still synchronizing my addresses.) And the neat thing (since I installed Day-Timer Organizer (DTO) in XP Mode to use the data files form the native WIn7 hard drive) is I can use DTO in the native Win7 mode, and do my HotSyncs from XP mode without having to run DTO ever again in XP Mode. Hi there, After trying couple of times, I finally resolve to have my T3 sync with window 7 64bits via bluetooth.

Syncing with USB cable via cradle is near impossible. Make sure your T3 bluetooth connection is activated, look into preferences, communications and activate your bluetooth and connection. Download the correct palm software. I have tried palm desktop 4.1.4e which palm website has indicated meant for T3 but it doesn't work withh bluetooth connection to my T3. Thus have tried on the desktop 6.2 version and it works! See link follow the steps within.


I am happy that it finally works for me, thus like to share them with you guys too! I have a Palm Centro and just purchased a Studio 1747 with 64 bit. I have been trying and trying to get my phone to sync in xp mode.

I didn't have any luck with bluetooth or usb mode. I thought I might need to load some xp drivers for the bluetooth device but none are available for the Dell 365 in xp mode. I call Dell for technical support.

They were able to get my phone on windows 7 but could not load the drivers. I suspect there are none available. In 'my device' I keep getting a? By the intergrated devices.

When I try to update the drivers it says there are no drivers available. I finially got the xp mode to sync via bluetooth but it stopped after a few minutes. I then tried by usb mode but no luck. I then looked at the top key board and realized there was a usb dropped down menu. You have to attach the device you are trying to use; Otherwise it won't work. This is hardly technical, but it works for me i installed palm desktop 4.1.4 and run it in sp3 compatibility mode under win 7 home premium - no option for all this virtual stuff for me but i can synch with my eeepc running win xp sp3, and then cleverly transfer my personal folder via the home network (or via usb, or sd, or whatever) to the palm folder on the win 7 machine it's not a geek solution, but it means i can see my palm data on the big screen note that palm 6.2 completely ignores the personal folder if you try doing it with that setup - this is only good for 4.1.4 hope that helps.

It sounds as if the XP mode is, for whatever reason, flaky. So my workaround may be flaky also, but I have been using the Vmware Player application to host the 32 bit XP install, and it's been working flawlessly in 64 bit windows 7 for my two key applications - Palm Desktop (and Mobipocket reader) and the Cisco VPN client. I prefer the VMWare player to the Windows XP mode because I can choose whether I want seamless integration or not, and there are times when it is actually helpful to be crystal bloody clear on whether I'm seeing a device or file in XP versus in Win 7. It astonishes me that Cisco has not yet released a 64 bit IPSEC client. It sounds as if the XP mode is, for whatever reason, flaky. So my workaround may be flaky also, but I have been using the Vmware Player application to host the 32 bit XP install, and it's been working flawlessly in 64 bit windows 7 for my two key applications - Palm Desktop (and Mobipocket reader) and the Cisco VPN client.

I prefer the VMWare player to the Windows XP mode because I can choose whether I want seamless integration or not, and there are times when it is actually helpful to be crystal bloody clear on whether I'm seeing a device or file in XP versus in Win 7. It astonishes me that Cisco has not yet released a 64 bit IPSEC client. It was released about 9 months ago: Jamey Heary Back to Cisco Subnet Cisco Security Expert Jamey Heary Previous Article Next Article Cisco finally releases 64bit IPSEC client Win7 and Vista 64bit get a free Cisco IPSEC client By jheary on Sat, 04/24/10 - 1:23pm. The Long awaited release of a Cisco IPSEC client for 64bit operating systems has finally come to pass. The new Cisco VPN client version 5.0.07 is ready for download.

The new client supports Windows 7 x64 and Vista x64. Unfortunately, no support for XP x64 machines.

It is strongly recommended that if you use Vista that you upgrade to SP2 or later. Check out the release notes here: Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. I'm a Palm Pilot T3 owner who's not yet ready to move to a more 'modern' device, so I've read this thread a few times with great interest as I just bought a new PC and have it running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.

Driver Software For Palm Treo 750 Windows 7

So yes, my Palm was not syncing with my 4.1.4 desktop. I tried all the options and desktop versions I could find, to no avail, as has been clearly stated there is no 64 bit version of the USB driver. So after reading this thread, I was all set to upgrade to the Professional version of Win 7, to use the Virtual PC option. But I had one more option to try in the short term. I noticed a Palm doc stating there is Bluetooth support with Desktop 6.2, so I thought why not try that? I popped into my local Currys, and spent three pounds and a few pence on a very tiny usb bluetooth adaptor. There was a slightly more expensive Belkin unit at £7.99 which was much larger so I opted for the much smaller and cheaper Dynamode unit.

I plugged in expecting another 64 bit driver issue but no, it simply installed and made itself available! It took me a little longer to figure out the bluetooth/hotsync setup on my T3, but after about 5 mins I had it going.

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The first sync took about 15 mins as I had not copied my profile from my old PC, but a smile came over my face when the 'hotsync completed successfully' box popped up! A repeat hotsync took 42 secs according to the impressive logging with this desktop version, but I expect I can cut this down once I disable the hotsync on the components I don't use. I may still go to Win 7 Professional for other reasons, but I offer this route as a possible solution for fellow Palm PDA users trying to hotsync under Win 7 64 bit. This bluetooth device really is tiny, a bargain IMHO! I have found this weekend that the Aceeba 64-bit USB driver works well with Outlook 2010 and my Palm T X under Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. You must first install the Palm Desktop 6.2.2, which installs HotSync 7.02.

You can get this from HP at: When you connect your Palm via USB, the driver will not install properly, but an entry will be made in Device Manager. After downloading the Aceeca file, unzip it and note the extracted files location. Right-click in the Device Manager entry for the Palm device and update the driver, pointing to this extracted files location. It worked quite well for me. SUBJECT MyPostToManyForumsLinkToPostOnAMMq + SentWebFormTo WyreNut: Where should I post this?

My Procedure for Successful Installation of Palm HotSync Drivers On Win7 OS Computer. Dear Palm Users WOW!!! I can now HotSync my Palm Centro to my Win7 LapTop!!! Photos, Calendar, Notes, Addresses / Phone#'s Etc!!! I'm so happy.

I decided to write up a complete 'HOWTO' document, to help persons like you to be able to do the same. You will be happy also!! This is my way of 'contributing back'. For the many Resources, Forums, WebPages, SoftWare (Open Source & otherwise), I use daily on Internet. Also my way of saying thank you to following persons / organizations: A)Thank you for originally coding the needed HotSync 64bid Vista & Win7 Drivers. B) Thank you (again) for making these drivers Internet available for free download. C) Thanks to who-ever it was that a) Discovered the Aceeca Drivers, b) Realized their application to (urgently needed) Palm HotSync Drivers for 64bid Vista & Win7 computers, and then c) Posted their discovery, for the whole world to use!!

D) And finally thanks to WyerNut, of for his moderation of all those Palm Forums, and having discovered the Aceeca Drivers, installed them on his Windows Vista. Took the time to post his own 'HOWTO'!! (A copy of which I have incorporated, with links, into my Win7 'HOWTO' document, link below.) E) Thank you all!!. TITLE: My Procedure for Successful Installation of Palm HotSync Driver On Vista & Win7 OS Computer. This Driver Is For a HotSync of Many (?Most?) Palm Hand Held Devices (Older Palm-PDA's, Centro, Treo, etc), To The So-Called “Palm DeskTop”. To HotSync many (?most?) PalmOS or HP/PalmWebOS Devices to 64bit Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, you can sucessfully use the needed hardware drivers from However, getting them installed is not 'an automatic'.

You will have to do the install yourself, step by step. If you need guidance, please click on the link below, to use my 'Complete Palm HotSync Aceeca Driver Installation Guide': Caution: T he Aceeca drivers are most certainly good for more recent PalmWebOS devices. And according to various Palm forums, there are statements that these drivers also work for the older PalmOS devices. The Aceeca TroubleShootGuide, talks about Hotsync ACEECA Palm OS 4.x or Garnet OS 5.x device, in ways that the driver will work on these devices: HOWEVER, I have not tried this, and only seen a few reports of success by others. Concerning Aceeca Drivers, one report says ' 64bit driver works with palm os4 and os5 smartphones and pda's' So, if you have the time to experiment, give it a try and let me know.

Thanks If you like my Guide (or notice needed corrections / improvements) could you please drop me a line!! Sincerely Henry Gurr HenryG To get thie answers is the Palm T3 to hotsync in Windows 7's XP Mode window after installing Palm Desktop 4.1.4e there with Hotsync set to 'Local USB': Press the hotsync button on the cradle, then go up to the USB menu at the top of the XP Mode window and click it.

You should see 'Palm Handheld - Attach'. Money maker club penguin. Click that and the hotsync should start. Unfortunately you have to do that every time you hotsync; haven't yet found a way to attach the Palm's USB port permanently to the virtual machine - it disappears as soon as the hotsync is done, and the USB menu says 'No device found.' -Jack This is the answer!!

Bluetooth was tried but couldn't make it work. This worked like a charm. UPDATE: I can now HotSync my Palm Centro to my Win7 LapTop!!!

(NEW Information for ANY Palm Device on Win7 or Vista!) Dear Palm OS Users: I have found lots of NEW INFORMATION, since my original Post this Froum Thread above on Saturday, November 26, 2011 6:01 PM. This NEW information has been collected onto a NEW WebPage titled: MY DETAILED PROCEDURE FOR SUCCESSFUL INSTALLATION OF PALM HOTSYNC 64 BIT DRIVERS ON WINDOWS 7 OS COMPUTERS (WIN7 & VISTA).

These Extensive & Quite Complete Driver Installation Instructions, Are Written For the New Beginner Thru Expert. They Are For the Installation of the Necessary Drivers, So That You Can “HotSync” Most Palm OS Hand Held Devices (Palm PDA, Centro, Treo, etc), To The So-Called “Palm DeskTop”. So, if you are still having trouble getting your Palm OS Device going on Windows 7 or Vista, please go to this link: ts/PalmHotSyncDriverWin7Vista64bit. ALSO IF YOU HAVE SUCESS, PLEASE Send your 'Thank Your Note!!My email address is below, just add the correct symbol, in correct place!! It means a lot to me to know that my efforts to make my 'How To Install 64 bit Drivers' webpage, is actually helping Palm users!! This is a BIG PAY BACK for me, so I am quite gratified that you took the time to reply, with your report that your Palm Cell Phone is NOW working great with your Win 7 or Win Vista computer / laptop. This keeps these Palm Devices nicely going and and kept from the trash.

A double win for me, jist to know this. Sincerely Henry S Gurr, ZMMQ Site Master.