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3mv Training Courses

Training Seminars in Albuquerque, NM. offers 169 instructor-led training courses in Albuquerque NM from over 12 training providers. Offering 35 Human. The training for this intervention is a four-day course where participants will experience portions of the. The 3MV training is designed for individuals who will.

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The HIV Prevention Community Planning Support and Development Initiative (HIV Prevention CPSDI) is a joint initiative of the, and the. HIV Prevention CPSDI provides training for DHSTS grantees in the following basic skills training and Effective Behavioral Intervention (EBIs) trainings including:.


Healthy Relationships (HR). Holistic Health Recovery Program (HHRP).

Sisters Informing Sisters About Topics on AIDS (SISTA). Choosing Life: Empowerment, Action, Results (Clear). RESPECT. Voices/Voces. Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) HIV Prevention CPSDI also provides statewide community capacity building for grantees of the DHSTS. Capacity building includes:.

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Program development. Program evaluation. Quality assurance planning. Needs assessment. Effective Behavioral Intervention (EBI) support.

3MV is a seven-session, group-level HIV and STD prevention intervention for black gay men. The intervention addresses factors that influence the behavior of black men who have sex with men, including cultural, social, and religious norms; interactions between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases; sexual relationship dynamics; and the social and psychological influences that racism and homophobia have on HIV risk behaviors. 3MV is designed to be delivered by two culturally competent facilitators in groups of up to 12 clients.

Click on the link to review the (PDF document). The training for this intervention is a four-day course where participants will experience portions of the actual intervention on Day 1 and complete more typical Training-of-Facilitators-style activities on Days 2-4. This training is highly experiential, incorporating group exercises, behavioral skills practice, group discussions, role plays, and repeated episodes of practiced facilitation (i.e., “facilitate-backs”).

The 3MV training is designed for individuals who will directly facilitate the intervention in their home communities. Evaluators, program managers and other staff who will not be involved in direct facilitation will be accepted if space is available. Research and Development Kelly, J.A., St. Lawrence, J.S., Hood, H.V., Brasfield, T.L.

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Behavioral intervention to reduce AIDS risk activities. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57(1):60-67. Wilton, L., Herbst, J.H., Coury-Doniger, P., Painter, T.M., English, G., Alvarez, M.E., Scahill, M., Roberson, M.A., Lucas, B., Johnson, W.D., Carey, J.W.(2009). Efficacy of an HIV/STI Prevention Intervention for Black Men Who Have Sex with Men: Findings from the Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) Project. AIDS Behav. 2009; 13(3): 532-544. Also available online at:. Program Review Panel Information The CDC requires all CDC-funded agencies using the Many Men, Many Voices intervention to identify, or establish, and utilize a Program Review Panel and complete Form 0.1113 to document this activity.

The intervention researchers and developers are not involved in this activity. This is a CDC requirement for their grantees, and all questions in this regard should be directed to your agency’s CDC Project Officer or to the health department funding your agency’s implementation of the intervention. The Program Review Panel guidelines, instructions for completion of Form 0.113, and the form itself are available under the section of this website. CDC Policy on Youth Peer Outreach Workers CDC funded (directly or indirectly) agencies using youth (either paid or volunteer) in program outreach activities, it is very important that said organizations use caution and judgment in the venues/situations where youth workers are placed. Agencies should give careful consideration to the “age appropriateness” of the activity or venue. Additionally, agencies should comply with all relevant laws and regulations regarding entrance into adult establishments/environments. Laws and curfews should be clearly outlined in required safety protocols developed and implemented by agencies directly and indirectly funded by CDC.

If you have specific questions, please contact your CDC project officer. FACT SHEET Program Overview Many Men, Many Voices (3MV) is a 7-session, group level intervention program to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted diseases among black men who have sex with men (MSM) who may or may not identify themselves as gay. The intervention addresses factors that influence the behavior of black MSM: cultural, social, and religious norms; interactions between HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases; sexual relationship dynamics; and the social influences that racism and homophobia have on HIV risk behaviors. 3MV is designed to be facilitated by a peer in groups of 6-12 clients. The 2-3 hour sessions aim to foster positive self image; educate participants about their STD/HIV risks; and teach risk reduction and partner communication skills.

The sessions are highly experiential, incorporating group exercises, behavioral skills practice, group discussions, and role play.