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Aoe 3 Civilizations

Sep 23, 2012 Civilizations - Age of Empires 3: Civilizations The eight civilizations are a good spread of the different cultures that competed for the New World.


The Iroquois, a native American civilization centered in what is today upstate New York, were a confederation of several tribes that controlled a vast expanse of territory by the time the Europeans arrived on the shores of New England. They were one of the strongest powers on the North America continent throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, reaching the height of their power in 1680.

Aoe 3 Civilizations Guide

During the 1600s, the Iroquois were frequently allied with the English against the French and their traditional native enemies, the Huron. In the late 1700s, the Iroquois Confederacy fractured as the American Revolution began. Some of the tribes sided with the British, while others joined the colonial cause. After the war, many of the Iroquois that had joined the British resettled in Canada. The Iroquois in Age of Empires 3 The Iroquois gather resources at about the same rate as their European counterparts, but they have more flexibility at the start of the game. In addition to their starting villagers, the Iroquois also get two Travois.

These units can build early age buildings like the Longhouse, Firepit, Dock, Market, Farm or even the War Hut. Using the Travois, the Iroquois player can quickly adapt to a resource heavy map or place his War Hut early for territorial control near Trading Post sites or natural choke points. Instead of an Explorer, the Iroquois start with a War Chief. An Iroquois player can get a jump on treasure hunting with the War Chief's Nature Friendship ability; instead of killing guardians, he converts them and quickly builds up a large treasure hunting party. The Firepit is a first age structure that can significantly alter the early game. Selecting the Fertility dance speeds up all unit production, giving an Iroquois player a head start in villager buildup. The Gift dance increases experience trickle, resulting in faster shipments from the Tribal Council.

And the Iroquois' unique, first age Founder dance produces additional Travois units. Iroquois Military Historically, Iroquois warriors greatly benefited from trade with the Europeans, which gave them access to firearms and cannons. This made the Iroquois a perfect transition civilization for players familiar with the original European civs. The Iroquois have a well-balanced mix of military with strong infantry, cavalry, and siege. Their main unit is the Tomahawk Warrior, a ranged tomahawk-throwing fighter that is the Iroquois equivalent of the Musketeer. The Aenna, a bow-and-arrow unit, costs only Food and is an effective early raider.

In the third age, the Musket Runner appears on the scene as a superior counter-infantry unit. Musket Runners also have the stealth ability making them very effective for ambushes. Iroquois cavalry units consist of the Horseman, a light mounted warrior with a melee attack, and the Musket Rider, a ranged anti-cavalry similar to the Dragoon. The Mantlet returns from Age3 as well, playing a supporting role as a unit that absorbs lots of damage.

The Ram serves as the main siege unit and deals as much damage to buildings as European Mortars. A Light Cannon is also available for anti-infantry and anti-artillery support. A popular Iroquois army is Tomahawks and Aennas backed up with Rams to serve up destruction on enemy towns. Another tactic is to deploy Mantlets on the frontline to soak up damage while flanking the enemy with cavalry or focus firing with Tomahawks and Musket Runners.

An Iroquois player will also want to keep the War Chief with his army, since the War Chief increases the hitpoints of any nearby military units. Tribal Council The Tribal Council is the native version of the European Home City. Instead of buildings, the council is comprised of five leaders: the Chief, the War Leader, the Shaman, the Wise Woman and the Messenger. The War Leader and Messenger contain some of the most exciting new shipments. The War Leader offers a variety of useful military shipments for mid-level HCs, including boosts in attacks and hitpoints. The Messenger allows a player to send for military aid from other Iroquois League tribes like the Cayuga, Onondaga and Seneca, or mercenaries from neighboring allies like the Huron, Cree and Cherokee - sure to please players looking for a big shipment of units in the late game.

The 'Fall of Civilization' is a modification for Age of Empires III. The mod will reconstruct 14 Medieval civilizations across the globe in terms of appearance of units,unique units,and unique strength. Additional: The mod has or will use some works or thoughts of my partner Huanglukuzhu and some other mods. I will try to contact the original producer prior to my using. I hereby profound my gratitude to Huanglukuzhu and other modders.


Thanks Tilanus Commodore for allowing me to use some of his work under the conditions of our agreement. To make this mod more focus on the most important powers at the medieval time, I made a new civilization list this week. The following is the list: Eastern Roman Empire Venezia Bulgaria Empire Anglo-Saxon Kingdom (England) Francia Holy Roman Empire Vikings Arabic Empire Turks Persia Huns Mongolia China Nippon. As to the first draft, I deleted Spain, and added Goths, and Slavics were specified to Bulgarians. Venezia is a representative of all italian states and papal state, so it will still have unique units from all over the peninsula, like swiss guard which serves for pope. The ages after age3 for Huns are correspond to the Hungary's history, although it is still an argument going on about how hungary was related to huns.


As a result of cutting Castile off, there are 4 civilized nations remained: Eastern Roman Empire ( Roman Empire/Hellenic) Venezia (Roman Empire/Carthage) Persia (Seleucid Empire/ Parithian Empire) China (Chou Dynasty/ Han Dynasty) The ancient nations mentioned in the parentheses are the nation to revive. If you still don't get that, you can look at previous news. To Everyone who has been interested in and expecting this mod: First of all, I want to apologize to all of you for the lack of progress on this MOD. Because I was very busy with the college application stuff, I pretty much set aside the progress of the MOD for a year. Besides I am not a professional programmer, some issues that are out of my ability do come up during the whole Modding progress.

Well, the good thing is that I have been accepted to an amazing college so that I will have some free time from now on, and presumably more free time this summer. The not so good thing is that I still have some problem modifying the AI of the game, which is crucial to bringing a playable MOD.

Aoe 3 Civilization Guide

I am making some progress on learning how to write proper AIs, but I suppose it would take me a long time to fully grasp the method. So if you can write AOE3 AIs, I am more than happy to have your help. I am also seeking help on where many expert Chinese modders like Huanglukuzhu and 96nn are available. Well, that's pretty much the briefing of the latest progress on the Fall of Civilization MOD. Again, I would like to thank Tilanus Commodor for letting me use some of his works under our agreement conditions, and also thanks Huanglukuzhu who really helped and supported my work on this MOD as both a friend and a partner.

Best Regards KATA P.S.: I hope I can bring you more updates next time, and I am working working very hard on trying to pick up the progress and release the promised prelude with 3 to 5 civilizations before September. You are right, I am still working on it. It still has a long way to go until a 14 civs complete version could be downloaded. However, I am expecting a pre-alpha version for next summer, it will contain at least three civs (Byzantium, Venezia, and Bulgaria.

Aoe 3 Civilization Guide

They have the same building style, so it would be easier for me). The release date depends largely on my progress. I am applying for university this year, so, as you can see, little progress was made this year. I expect to have more time working on this mod after I get offers from universities +1 vote.