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The Little Book Of Productivity Scott Young Pdf

The Critical 7 Rules to Understand People « Scott H Young - Download as PDF File (.pdf). The Little Book of Productivity.

Transcript here - Scott H Scott: You’re working on The Bachelor of Philosophy, the rough kind of program that you want to go through is to do a bachelor of Philosophy using only the MOOCS(massive open online courses) and open resources. Jon: Yes, it's similar to your project that is sort of shocked when everybody's home and I need to talk to Scott Young and he's the only person doing it or has done it.

The little book of productivity

The Little Book Of Productivity


But it is a 4 year degree and liberal arch university because mainly module app for 4-­‐year MIT Computer Science Degree. This is 4 degree module with a major in Philosophy, in that case would be for your first two years you need to be certain distribution of requirements like certain 70% of courses need to be humanities, Social Science, Science and Math, then for your total four years in college you need to have a certain number of courses in your major so might be is Philosophies, also 10 Philosophies courses that which need to be taken at the intermediate.

Scott: What's different about what you're doing versus what I am doing is that you are using the MOOCS and it stands for Massive Open Online Courses and this is kind of the next generation of free University classes. What it was before was open courseware, w here the idea was that Universities would be kind of just without really a lot of editing or tailoring to an online audience and just kind of scraping together what they were actually teaching in person classes and putting it up online. So let's just record all the lecture videos just start to finish, take all the lectures notes and upload them links to textbooks, copies of exams and papers, and it is really good for some classes. Some of the classes that I took are quite comprehensive and fairly close to being in the actual classroom. However, others really skanked and got 5 out of 15 of the lecture note in the link to text book and two exams and one of them has solution and that's about it and what I am seeing with your project is that these MOOCS that I didn't even do my project that long ago and was only like a year and a half ago that I've started.

They really didn't exist when I started like they did the first that I want, just around the time that I was starting it. Now the fact that like how far it's come that you are contemplating doing the full degree just using these I think it's really impressive. JON: That's a treat with the way you approach because when I saw the dates that you were working with them the first MooCS about tactically MOOC like things existed before end sort of writing is online, write around what you started. On the first year the focused largely on Computer Science courses but then they gradually expanded it with other areas in humanity w here kind of piece together what happened in the course because you have chunks of them like you know the textbook, lecture notes, sometimes you have videos, sometimes you didn't see w here to almost reconstruct what the professor was trying to do with the case of the MOOC classes, time taking and one of the advantage is the package is altogether right. You got a series of lecturers type to a series of assignments, tasks, papers or readings, they’re a schedule laid out so t here's some classes who were longer than other but every week t here is a sort of allotment of things to do and I think the way you approach it is suited to learning style.

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